Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hobbit Sketches

It's rather funny, I've watched the hobbit three times, (yeah, not very many compared to a lot of other people, ;) ) and I like it more each time. I notice more things, I enjoy the beauty of the setting and filming. Bofur (he's the dwarf with the funny hat) is becoming one of my favorites. I liked him in the book, but he's awesome in the movie. So probably the next Hobbit themed drawing will have him in it.  

On to the drawings!

Fili and Kili, a stylized version. I drew this to go along with a friend's birthday present. Kili's her favorite dwarf (character?) but I couldn't draw Kili and leave out Fili so here we are. 

And then we have Bilbo and Thorin, a realistic version. A friend was having a rough day so I made brownies and sketched her a hobbit drawing. (She's always been encouraging my art, however I haven't drawn her anything really cool yet.) Thorin is her favorite character, but what's a hobbit drawing without a hobbit? Besides, Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins is really fun to draw. 

I really should take a hobbit break. :)

But I didn't and while I was at my two week training I drew several other Hobbit drawings.
I'll post them sometime after I've caught up on sleep.

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