Saturday, June 22, 2013

Polar Bear Illustrations

When I was a kid my dad would hide my stuffed polar bear and would wait for me to find him before tucking me into bed. Then he would proceed to tell a story involving me, polar bear, and my menagerie of stuffed animals. 
The girl received Polar Bear when she was six

When I was around twelve, I sketched out a few illustrations to match up with the memories of the stories my father told. When I was thirteen I wrote down the basic ideas of the stories, planning to one day turn the memories and sketches into book. I could then share part of childhood with my one day family. 

Polar Bear grew up with the girl

Well I never got around to it, though the idea played around in the back of my mind. Now I'm seventeen, stumbled across my old sketchbook, and found myself with a fair amount of free time over the last few days. Thus, I decided to write up one of the stories and sketch some drawings involving my stuffed bear. 

This is how Polar Bear imagines it when the girl cuddles him for comfort. 

This is how my Polar Bear looked new... (Couldn't find any photo's of my Polar Bear)
Anyways, one of the many projects I'm up to. Hopefully I'll get it done this summer.

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