Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Team Mission Involving Kim Im-Possible

The title is a code, can you figure it out? It's three tv shows rolled into one very crazy art title.

Need some help?
A-Team (The TV show, not the movie, haven't seen the movie)
Kim Possible
Mission Impossible


Yes, the three inspirations for the artwork I stumbled upon. I did these around 2011. So I was 15-16 ish? Sounds about right.

Anyways, I found them among a bunch of other art work and random stuff when I was cleaning this week.

So this is the massive amount of artwork I came across while getting rid of some old stuff...

(Confession, as a kid I kept about everything. It drives me nuts so I had a summer cleaning spree and raided the bins marked Rachel in the attic. I had a ton of art work mixed in. I rediscovered the reason I still dislike drawing horses. about a 3rd of that stack of art is horse related. I even created a comic about a horse named Spotty when I was 9. *shudders* I still like horses, but I'm still not ready to draw them.)

This is that mess all stacked nice and neat

3 inches of artwork!

Now lets transport ourselves off that little bunny trail and back onto the highway. (Can you tell I haven't been sleeping great lately?)

Here are the spy themed drawings. For a non violent child, I sure was a bit gun happy in these drawings.

"Well since I've got the gun..."
I love the handcuffs on this one, and the angle, and the cartoony bullet holes in the wall. :)

"Don't make me shoot."
Hand's a bit to small.
 I have unusually large hands.

"Something's not right..."
Not really a spy drawing, but it was with the rest so I included it. 

This is either gonna look like an awesome pose or I'm about to shoot my foot.

Ack! Faceless girl!!
:) I either
A) Couldn't get the face right
B) Wanted the focus on the pose/outfit
I'm gunna go with A on this one...

-Que the Mission Impossible theme music-

Haha, I think it's funny I have pretty much that hair cut now. Without the black suit and gun thoguh.
Very ninja-spy looking, I'm loving the hair. ;)

"Take a hint from the boy scouts, you can never be overly prepared."

Another faceless girl!
I could make a series...

"I was hoping you'd come."

Dun. Dun. Dunnn!

Thus concludes my spy themed drawings. (for now) I kinda want to take a few of these and write a story to go along with them...

What's your favorite spy themed book, movie, TV show or Artwork? Let me know!