Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Team Mission Involving Kim Im-Possible

The title is a code, can you figure it out? It's three tv shows rolled into one very crazy art title.

Need some help?
A-Team (The TV show, not the movie, haven't seen the movie)
Kim Possible
Mission Impossible


Yes, the three inspirations for the artwork I stumbled upon. I did these around 2011. So I was 15-16 ish? Sounds about right.

Anyways, I found them among a bunch of other art work and random stuff when I was cleaning this week.

So this is the massive amount of artwork I came across while getting rid of some old stuff...

(Confession, as a kid I kept about everything. It drives me nuts so I had a summer cleaning spree and raided the bins marked Rachel in the attic. I had a ton of art work mixed in. I rediscovered the reason I still dislike drawing horses. about a 3rd of that stack of art is horse related. I even created a comic about a horse named Spotty when I was 9. *shudders* I still like horses, but I'm still not ready to draw them.)

This is that mess all stacked nice and neat

3 inches of artwork!

Now lets transport ourselves off that little bunny trail and back onto the highway. (Can you tell I haven't been sleeping great lately?)

Here are the spy themed drawings. For a non violent child, I sure was a bit gun happy in these drawings.

"Well since I've got the gun..."
I love the handcuffs on this one, and the angle, and the cartoony bullet holes in the wall. :)

"Don't make me shoot."
Hand's a bit to small.
 I have unusually large hands.

"Something's not right..."
Not really a spy drawing, but it was with the rest so I included it. 

This is either gonna look like an awesome pose or I'm about to shoot my foot.

Ack! Faceless girl!!
:) I either
A) Couldn't get the face right
B) Wanted the focus on the pose/outfit
I'm gunna go with A on this one...

-Que the Mission Impossible theme music-

Haha, I think it's funny I have pretty much that hair cut now. Without the black suit and gun thoguh.
Very ninja-spy looking, I'm loving the hair. ;)

"Take a hint from the boy scouts, you can never be overly prepared."

Another faceless girl!
I could make a series...

"I was hoping you'd come."

Dun. Dun. Dunnn!

Thus concludes my spy themed drawings. (for now) I kinda want to take a few of these and write a story to go along with them...

What's your favorite spy themed book, movie, TV show or Artwork? Let me know!

Monday, July 22, 2013

My Redwall Obsession

 When I was eleven I had a "small" obsession with Redwall series. I watched the TV series weekly, and when I was around twelve I started reading the books. (I attribute my sword fighting admiration to Narnia and Redwall.) I had some friends who lived across the street from my old house and we would act out Mattimeo, based off of the TV show. (My three main parts were Matthias, Mattimeo, and Warbeak.) We had props and everything.

Redwall Matthias Tribute (Watch it! ;) )

Anyways... Here's the reason for this post. I found my Redwall notebook the other day with drawings of the TV characters.There was more, But I'll post another day. :) I plan to revive this old thing. Take out the drawings and cut out the hand writing, put it in a new book with some quotes and childhood memories of Redwall. Maybe I'll do a fresh drawing.

All these drawings were done when I was around 11

If you want to see a little about what my ten year old self was so crazy about, check out any of the following clips. Their portions of the first episodes of the three different series. I believe you can watch the entire series on Youtube. (and if I didn't have a ton of stuff to do I would go watch Redwall right now.)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Hobbit Sketch

Did this at training during some class time.
I honestly can think better when I'm drawing.
Plus, this is a major upgrade from my usual doodles. 

Also, remember the Kili and Fili picture? My friend even framed it! I love it. I don't know, something about someone wanting to frame and display my art makes me feel inspired!
