Friday, February 8, 2013

Bethany Hamilton - Art From My Past

Today's post is dedicated to Bethany Hamilton. Happy Birthday!

Now if you havn't heard of Soul Surfer, (Where have you been!) it's a movie that came out in 2011.

Anyway, it's about a young competing surfer who looses her arm in a shark attack and learns to surf again, getting her strength from God. It's one of my favorites simple because I've always looked up to Miss Hamilton for a while. (I knew about her before the movie) The movie just solidified my admiration. Such a strong young woman.

Soon after the movie came out I drew the bellow picture. I was fifteen at the time and quiet motivated to do a nice tribute to one of my heroes. (She's actually one out of the two heroes I have, I that I don't personally. Three if you count C. S. Lewis, and I don't cause he's dead.)

Here's my 2011 drawing
And here's the lovely photograph

Here's the trailer for Soul Surfer:

I also have liked Anna Sophia since "Because of Winnie Dixie" So glad to see here in Soul Surfer!